Tag Archive | 최초

Publisehs on HMJ’s official WordPress blog first in the world by Bruce, HMJ’s creator

Super-string theory in modern physics says that 10 or 11 is dimension in the material world. However, Hoon Min Jung phonetics does that 14 is. -Bruce, Hoon Min Jung phonetics’ creator

The perfect edition of [r] in English by HMJ phonetics

 The perfect edition of [r] in English by HMJ phonetics was published firstly in the world on Bruce’s internet cafe, BKC(http://cafe.daum.net/blakeenglish)  on Oct. 23, 2009.  Its exact address is http://cafe.daum.net/blakeenglish/LA0P/81


< [r] in English having 5 phonetic values >


(1) [r] followed by an IPA phonetic vowel (American English)

An enunciator pronounces

[(  )]

as a glide at the end of his tongue, softly pushing the end of his tongue forwards to a point a little separated from the articulate point of a gum untouching a palate in a little concave position of a tongue, after bending his tongue concavely by pulling the end of his tongue back untouching a palate.

ex) re·m′em·ber   [rim′embər]   [(  )이.음′에음.브어얼]



[o] in [r] by IPA phonetics is automatically derived during pronounced because the position of a tongue is like [오]’s (or [ɔ]’s).

But as it is not an original sound, it should not be written in the brackets. 


(2) [r] followed by an IPA phonetic vowel (British English)

An enunciator pronounces

[(  )]

as a fricative at the end of his tongue separating the end of his tongue a little from the articulate point of a gum.


ex) real   [riəl]   [(  )이어을]



(3) [r] unfollowed by an IPA phonetic vowel (American English) 

An enunciator pronounces


at the back part of his tongue after bending his tongue convexly upwards. [r] unfollowed by an IPA phonetic vowel is generally pronounced [어얼] or [어:얼] together with [어] or [어:] corresponding to [ə] or [ə:] respectively. Then he pronounces [어얼] or [어:얼] ([ər] or [ə:r] respectively) at the back part of his tongue after bending his tongue convexly upwards. 

ex) man·ner   [m′ænər]   [음′에.은어얼]

 world    [wə:rld]    [우어:얼을드] 


(4) [r] followed by an IPA phonetic vowel (British English)

[r] is a silent syllable. 

ex) re·mem·ber    [rim′embə]     [(  )이.음′에음.브어]



(5) [r] between IPA phonetic vowels like in ‘water’ or ‘letter’ (American English)

An enunciator

[( )]

pronounces at the articulate point of a gum.

ex) wa·ter   [w′ɔ:tər]    [우′오:.(  )어얼]



let·ter    [l′etər]     [을′에.(  )어얼]



※ The original sound in round brackets was discovered firstly by Rick Kim or Seung-Eun Oh (the authors of the book, ‘릭 킴의 미국 영어 발음 무작정 따라하기’, 1999, printed by ‘길벗’ in Korea.) . So it was not written for his(their) copyright. For reference, it is one of u.p.s..